Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Siobhan, Dita, Bush and Blair

Siobhan Fahey lançou esta cover dos Joy Division em 2004 mas, mesmo assim, o vídeo continua a merecer ser visto vezes sem conta.

She's Lost Control

Confusion in her eyes that says it all
She's lost control
And she's clinging to the nearest passer by
She's lost control
And she gave away the secrets of her past
And said I've lost control again
And a voice that told her when and where to act
She said I've lost control again
And she turned around and took me by the hand and said
I've lost control again
And how I'll never know just why or understand
She said I've lost control again
And she screamed out kicking on her side and said
I've lost control again
And seized up on the floor
I thought she'd die
She said I've lost control
She's lost control again
She's lost control
She's lost control again
She's lost control


Sérgio said...

Eu já a vi ao vivo ;) no lux...

Anonymous said...

Afinal não é só a Monica&Bill :)
Com o Bush quem diria...

Olha se quiseres pôr o video directamente no blog aqui tens o codigo:

%div align="justify"#%/div#%div align="center"#%embed src="" width="350" height="300" autostart="false"#%/div#%div align="center"#%a href=",,571809,00.html" target="blank"#Agent Provocateur%a#:%span style="color:#ff0000;"#She's Lost Control%/span#%/a# %/div#%div align="center"#%/div#

Se quiseres pôr logo a tocar em vez de false mete true.

Quando fizeres publish post aparece sempre um aviso, põe um verificado e publica outra vez.

Mas assim está bem, eu vi;)

PS troca os % por <
e os # por >
os comentàrios não aceitam html tags

Sérgio said...

Thanks ;)