Sunday, May 08, 2005

The love shack

Bem sei que está a uns valentes quilómetros de distância mas, mesmo assim, este verão quero passar férias aqui!


Anonymous said...

I love The B-52's!! I wish I could go there one day witha brunch of friends!!
I'd love to have a house like that too!

Anonymous said...

Actually, they are prepering a new album. I can't wait!!!!!

Sérgio said...

Can't wait to hear the new tracks... Never saw them live :( If one day you decid to go to Kate's Motel don't forget to tell me in advance. I might go to!!! That place is fab.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it would be great to go to Lazy meadow with friends!
I saw then live once. it was in Barcelona in 1989. It was amazing!!!! I hope they come to London!!